Dolemite is My Name — Movie Review

KJ Proulx's Reviews
3 min readOct 27, 2019


by KJ Proulx

Promotional Artwork for ‘Dolemite is My Name’ [Credit: Netflix]

Eddie Murphy was known as one of the greatest comedic personalities of all time by many, and is still remembered for being that great, but it’s safe to say that his career took quite the nosedive in terms of the projects he was attaching himself to. I would argue that his last truly committed performance was in 2006’s Dreamgirls, even though I enjoyed him in Tower Heist as well. Now, with a stand-up special on the way, Coming to America 2 and Beverly Hills Cop 4 in the works, he seems to be on his way back into the spotlight if those movies turn out great. We’re not here to discuss his career though. Dolemite is My Name is one of the latest feature films to hit Netflix and Murphy is the shining star here in what may just be his best performance in decades.

Following the tropes of many biopics, Dolemite is My Name follows Rude Ray Moore (Eddie Murphy) as his stand-up comedy/rap routines are winning audiences over. With a very niche audience that follows his work, people never believed his personality could translate well to the big screen. Determined to show his character Dolemite to the world, he sets out to fund his feature film on his own. With ups and downs throughout his career, this true story lends itself to a very formulaic movie as a whole.

Thankfully, the care put into making this a great watch is very much present, leaving the issue of feeling like a retread by the wayside. Eddie Murphy delivers one of the best performances I’ve ever seen him give and the supporting cast in performers like Craig Robinson, Keegan-Michael Key, and even Snoop Dogg are all giving it their all. This movie needed to have a very specific type of feel in order to work and a lot of that weight was on the cast. Personally, I don’t think a better cast of performers could’ve been put together for this particular story.

From a bizarre drama like Black Snake Moan to the remake of Footloose (which I happen to prefer over the original), I’ve always enjoyed watching one of director Craig Brewer’s films, who was also at the helm here. The way this film is visually presented, along with the great performances from everyone involved, it really seems like his best work yet as a director. I’m very excited that he is the one who will be taking on the role as director for the upcoming sequel to Coming to America.

In the end, Dolemite is My Name has quite a bit of energy to it and the screenplay is very quippy, which made the run time not feel like the full two hours that it is. If you’re a fan of Eddie Murphy, then I can’t see why you won’t be glued to the screen as I was. This character was pretty much made for him to play. I’m glad to see him making a comeback and having it work so well. This is a very, very good, funny, and engaging biopic that I feel a lot of people will get a kick out of. Come Oscar season, you may also hear some buzz about how good Eddie Murphy truly is here. This was a great watch.

Rating: 4/5

Check out the trailer below:



KJ Proulx's Reviews
KJ Proulx's Reviews

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